Your Jetson should already have the operating system installed and configured for you. These instructions are provided in case you need to wipe your Jetson and start fresh.
Initial Setup
If using a serial connection, all the navigation here on out will be done via your keyboard. Use the arrow keys and Tab to move the cursor, and Enter to confirm options.
Select “Ok”
Scroll through agreement and select “Ok”
Select your language
Select your country
Select your timezone
Allow clock to be set to UTC
Creating your account
Enter a name, such as your school’s name
Choose a username, such as “avr”
Choose a password
Retype your chosen password
When asked about resizing the partition, leave the default.
Network Configuration
Setting up a network connection is not needed at this time. To bypass this, select “dummy0” and let the autoconfiguration fail.
Go ahead and select “Do not configure the network at this time”.
Final Setup
Select an appropriate hostname for your Jetson. “drone” is a good choice.
Choose the “MAXN” power mode.
Let the installation finish. Once it’s done, reboot your Jetson.