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Flash the PCC


To flash your PCC, you need to download and install a tool called BOSSA first.


Go to this page and download and install the bossa-x64-<version>.msi file for Windows, or the bossa-<version>.dmg file for MacOS. Make sure to install the device drivers that it prompts you to install as well.

Download this installer file

Download this installer file

Run through the setup wizard

Run through the setup wizard


For Linux, you’ll need to compile and run BOSSA from source.

git clone
sudo apt install build-essential libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev libreadline-dev
# if libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev cannot be found, run `sudo apt-cache search libwxgt*`
# and install the next closest match
make -j


After getting BOSSA installed, you need to also download the PCC firmware that you’ll be loading. Go to the AVR release page and download the pcc_firmware.<version>.bin file.

Download this firmware file

Download this firmware file

Now you’re ready to flash your PCC! Follow the next steps exactly to not run into any issues.

First, plug your PCC into your computer with the provided MicroUSB cable.

Quickly double-tap the little reset button right next to the MicroUSB connector. The LED next to the button should briefly flash red before turning solid green.

This puts the PCC into bootloader mode so we can flash new firmware.

Open BOSSA and select the COM port that has now shown up from the previous step, or the serial device ttyACM0. Also select the firmware file you downloaded.

In BOSSA, make sure to put in a flash offset of 0x4000 and select “Erase all”.

BOSSA settings

BOSSA settings

Now, you can hit the “Write” button!

Flashing complete

Flashing complete

You can also optionally click the “Verify” button as well just to make sure everything flashed correctly.

Verificiation complete

Verificiation complete

Finally, to get the PCC out of bootloader mode, and make sure the firmware is working correctly, unplug the PCC and plug it back in, or press the reset button once. The bright green LED should remain off and the original COM port should show back up in device manager.