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Autonomy and Beyond

Teams are encouraged to learn and practice programming with their drone. While it is not mandatory, programming the drone to perform tasks autonomously will give you an edge in the competition.

To gain an understanding of how autonomy works with the AVR drone please watch the video below.

Once you gain an understanding of how autonomy works through simulation you are ready to run your code on the real AVR drone. Make sure you pay attention to the following parameter:


The default autonomous flight speed in PX4 is too fast for the AVR game court. You will need to slow it down. Our recommendation is something around 0.25 to 0.5 m/s, which is roughly 0.5 to 1 mph.

The example below demonstrates how we’ve set this param to 1 mph.

AVR drone right side view

AVR drone right side view

The following sections will help you with:

  • Installing and using VS Code to manage your project
  • Installing and using Python
  • Installing and working with git
  • Using the Bell AVR sandbox environment
  • Building and running your code with Docker

1 - VS Code

VS Code is a popular open source code editor from Microsoft. It is just one of many IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) that can be used to write and test code. You will be using VS Code to build custom software for your drone.

VS Code can be downloaded and installed from the following Link: VS Code Install

Once VS Code is intalled, take some time to familiarize yourself with the user interface. An intro to the layout and basic feature of VS Code can be found here.

In the next step, we will get Python installed and test example scripts on your machine.

2 - Python

Python is a general purpose programing language. Being one of the most popular programming languages in the world, Python is known for readability and accessability. This section will walk you through installing Python and testing it on your machine.

VS Code Extension

Before we get started, make sure you have the Visual Studio Code extension for Python. Go to your extensions tab, search “Python”, and install.

Installing the Python Extension in VS Code

Installing the Python Extension in VS Code

This extension allows for debugging, auto complete, and python environment managemebnt in VS Code.

Python Interpreter

An interpreter’s job is to take the high-level code written by your team in VS code and to translate it into machine language that is executed by your computer.

The Python interpreter is installed from - install it from here. Select the installer and run through the installation process.

To confirm your installation, open a command prompt window and execute the following command:

py -3 --version

If your installation was successful, the output window will show the version of Python you have installed.

Setting Up a Project

Let’s set up a central location to store your future projects. Start by creating a “Projects” folder somewhere on your PC. Within this folder, make a “Hello World” folder. This is where we will create your first project.

In a blank VS Code window, open up this folder:

Opening a new folder from file

Opening a new folder from file

In your new workspace, create a new file called “”. The “.py” file format denotes a script written in python.

In this file, type the following:

print("Hello World")

Congrats, you’ve written your first python script! Before we run it, we will need to set up a python environment.

Setting Up a Python Environment

An “environment” is the context in which the python program runs. It consists of an interpreter and installed packages. We will be using “virtual environments”. These are are environments that are project specific and stored within the project itself. To create one in your “Hello World” project, start up a terminal.

Opening a new terminal in VS Code

Opening a new terminal in VS Code

In this terminal, type the following to create the virtual environment folder in your project:

py -3 -m venv .venv

To activate the environment:


The environment should now be activated. You’re now set up to run your script. In the terminal, type and execute:


If you were successful, you should see “Hello World” printed in the console.

3 - Git

In writing software for your drone, you will both need to interact with the sandbox environment as well as collaborate with your peers working on code from different machines. “Git” is built for tracking and managing changes between files. It is a staple of modern code management.

Windows Install

To install Git, simply select the standalone installer from the git-scm website

Run through the installation process. Once the install is completed, you will need to setup a username and email address for your machine.

Jetson Install

Git is already installed on your Jetson.

Git Configuration

Git needs to know who you are. To set up a username and email address, open a terminal and type the following:

git config --global "yourusername"
git config --global ""

Remember this email, because you will need to add it to your GitHub account later.

4 - GitHub

The AVR codebase is currently hosted on GitHub. Not to be confused with Git, GitHub is a cloud-based hosting service that lets you manage Git repositories. In order to customize the software on your drone, we ask you to create your own account, join an organization for your team, and host a version of that project in github

GitHub Account

To get started, follow this link and create an account. If you already have a GitHub account, you are free to use that.


You’ll want to create a group where you can set access permission for your code to the rest of your team. In your profile settings, add an organization. If an organization has already been made, ask your team leader for access.

Forking a Repo

Bell engineers have created the base AVR repository here. If you’d like to make changes to this codebase in order to modify your drone, you will need to fork the repository.

A fork is a copy of a repository. You will be able to make changes to the code without modifying the Bell codebase. To fork the AVR codebase, click on the fork button on the top right of the AVR GitHub Repository. If someone on your team has already done this, ask them to share access with you.

Bell AVR GitHub Page

Bell AVR GitHub Page

Configure Jetson for the New Repo

Take note of the url of the repository you just made.

URL of the new repository

URL of the new repository

We will need to change the upstream URL on your Jetson. Run the following commands:

cd ~/AVR-2022/
git remote set-url origin

Your Jetson should now be configured for your forked Repo.

Syncing with the Bell Repository

If the Bell team makes changes to the main code repository, you will want to update your code fork to include those new changes. Updating your forked repo is simple in Github. Navigate to the main page of your repo, and select this “sync” option:

Fork Refresh

Fork Refresh

This option will allow you to see if your repository is behind. If it needs an update, simply select “Update branch” and sync the repository with your Jetson.

5 - Jetson Development

You should now be able to set up VS Code in order to modify code on your Jetson. If you have not done this yet, familiarize yourself with using SSH to remote into your Jetson.

Take note of the username of your Jetson, and the host IP address.

Remote Development with VS Code

VS Code has extensions that allow you to develop from a remote machine. From your VS Code window, install the remote development extension, from Microsoft.

Remote Development Extension

Remote Development Extension

Bring up the command pallette in VS Code by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P. Search “SSH” and select “SSH: Connect to Host”

SSH Connect To Host

SSH Connect To Host

Type your username@IPaddress and press enter. Select “Linux” as your operating system. You may be prompted at several times to enter the password to your Jetson.

Operating System Selection

Operating System Selection

A seperate VS Code window should open. You now have access to the directories on your Jetson. On the left pane, select “Open Folder”.

List of directories on the Jetson

List of directories on the Jetson

When prompted, select the AVR-2022 location and press “OK”.

You should now be ready for development on your Jetson.

6 - Sandbox

Your team will need to create a sandbox environment to develop from.

In the GitHub repository we’ve provided an area for you to write Python in order to accomplish your goals. The software stack for AVR is made up of a series of modules, which are actually independent Docker Containers.

Below is a graphic that shows the individual containers:

All of these modules communicate with each other over a message bus called MQTT. You could loosely think of MQTT like a social media feed. You can publish posts and your friends can subscribe to your feed to see them. Similarly, you can subscribe to your friends’ feeds and see their posts too.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of the kinds of data some of the modules publish:

  • Flight Control Module
    • Drone Position
    • Drone Orientation
    • Drone Velocity
    • Drone Flight Mode
    • Drone Battery Level
  • AprilTag Module
    • Visible AprilTag IDs
    • AprilTag relative Positions
  • VIO Module
    • Zed Mini Position
    • Zed Mini Velocity
    • Zed Mini Confidence
  • PCC Module
    • Laser States
    • Gimbal Control
  • Fusion Module
    • Coordinate Transformed Drone Position
  • Thermal Module
    • Infrared Camera Readings
  • Status Module
    • Module States

You can read more about these modules here.

Your task here will be to subscribe to the necessary topics above and write your own logic to produce the desired output.

Using MQTT

You will be using the sandbox module to read from and interact with the other modules. By publishing messages to MQTT, you can create custom actions for your drone. The sandbox module has some example code to help you get started.

Example function that opens a servo

Example function that opens a servo

For full documentation of the MQTT topics and payloads available, go to and scroll down to “MQTT Documentation”.

7 - Using Git

This section will intorduce you to the basics of using git and will walk you through an example using VS Code.

Basics of Git

Git has a handful of basic commands that are useful to know. These can be executed from the command line, but we encourage you to use VS Code’s GUI as you get started.

We will primarily focus on commit, push, and pull.

  • A commit is used to capture the state of the project at a point in time. It saves any additions or changes to the local repository from your workspace.

  • A push adds all commited files to the remote repository. In this case, your remote repository is hosted in GitHub.

  • A pull gets files from the remote repository and puts them directly in your local directory. You will need to manually manage issues between conflicting files.

Example Git action diagram

Example Git action diagram

VS Code Example

This will walk you through a Git command example using VS Code and the local repository on your Jetson. To start, make sure you have a VS Code window open with remote SSH access. Refer to previous steps for instructions on how to do this.

You should have an editor window on the left that looks like this:

Since you will be developing in the “sandbox” folder, we will experiment with that. Go ahead and add a new file. To do this, right click “sandbox” and “add new file”. Call it “test.txt”.

New test file in the sandbox directory

New test file in the sandbox directory

You’ve now made a change in your workspace, you can now commit it. Select the “Source Control” icon on the left pane of VS Code:

Source Control

Source Control

The test file you made should show up in source control. Click the “+” button to commit the change. It will now be “staged”. In the upper text box, append a message to this commit describing the contents.:

Staged change with message

Staged change with message

Click the check mark to commit the change. It is not saved in your local repository. The last step is to store this change in GitHub. The “Sync Changes” button that appears gives theuser the option to automatically pull and push to the remote repository. Select this to complete the process.

Pulling and Pushing your change

Pulling and Pushing your change

In the future, when working with others on your team, it may be necessary to manually manage conflicts when syncing changes.

8 - Docker

A Docker container is a lightweight executable package of a software that includes everything needed to run an application. In the AVR software package, parts of the code running on the Jetson(MQTT, AprilTag, Flight Control, etc.) are all run on individual Docker containers. You learned how to initialize and run them on the Jetson in the software section of this guide.

As a reminder, make sure to run the setup each time you want to pull the latest version of each of the modules.

cd ~/AVR-2022/VMC/scripts
git pull

To run the modules, use the script.

cd ~/AVR-2022/VMC/
./ run

Your sandbox environment will be one of these modules. A basic script has been created for you. To run this specifically:

./ run sandbox

Each time you make changes/additions to your script, you will need to rebuild the module before running again.

./ build sandbox